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Author: Suraj Pai Email: This script contains two classes: 1. SeedBasedPatchCropd 2. SeedBasedPatchCrop


Bases: Transform

A class representing a seed-based patch crop transformation.


Name Type Description

Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).


Name Description

Crop a patch from the input image centered around the seed coordinate.


Name Type Description Default

Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).



Name Type Description

Cropped patch of shape (C, Ph, Pw, Pd), where (Ph, Pw, Pd) is the patch size.


Type Description

If the input image has dimensions other than (C, H, W, D)


If the coordinates are invalid (e.g., min_h >= max_h)

Source code in fmcib/preprocessing/
class SeedBasedPatchCrop(Transform):
    A class representing a seed-based patch crop transformation.

        roi_size: Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).

        __call__: Crop a patch from the input image centered around the seed coordinate.

        roi_size: Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).

        NdarrayOrTensor: Cropped patch of shape (C, Ph, Pw, Pd), where (Ph, Pw, Pd) is the patch size.

        AssertionError: If the input image has dimensions other than (C, H, W, D)
        AssertionError: If the coordinates are invalid (e.g., min_h >= max_h)

    def __init__(self, roi_size) -> None:
        Initialize SeedBasedPatchCrop class.

            roi_size (tuple): Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).
        self.roi_size = roi_size

    def __call__(self, img: NdarrayOrTensor, center: tuple, global_coordinates=False) -> NdarrayOrTensor:
        Crop a patch from the input image centered around the seed coordinate.

            img (NdarrayOrTensor): Image to crop, with dimensions (C, H, W, D). C is the number of channels.
            center (tuple): Seed coordinate around which to crop the patch (X, Y, Z).
            global_coordinates (bool): If True, seed coordinate is in global space; otherwise, local space.

            NdarrayOrTensor: Cropped patch of shape (C, Ph, Pw, Pd), where (Ph, Pw, Pd) is the patch size.
        assert len(img.shape) == 4, "Input image must have dimensions: (C, H, W, D)"
        C, H, W, D = img.shape
        Ph, Pw, Pd = self.roi_size

        # If global coordinates, convert to local coordinates
        if global_coordinates:
            center = np.linalg.inv(np.array(img.affine)) @ np.array(center + (1,))
            center = [int(x) for x in center[:3]]

        # Calculate and clamp the ranges for cropping
        min_h, max_h = max(center[0] - Ph // 2, 0), min(center[0] + Ph // 2, H)
        min_w, max_w = max(center[1] - Pw // 2, 0), min(center[1] + Pw // 2, W)
        min_d, max_d = max(center[2] - Pd // 2, 0), min(center[2] + Pd // 2, D)

        # Check if coordinates are valid
        assert min_h < max_h, "Invalid coordinates: min_h >= max_h"
        assert min_w < max_w, "Invalid coordinates: min_w >= max_w"
        assert min_d < max_d, "Invalid coordinates: min_d >= max_d"

        # Crop the patch from the image
        patch = img[:, min_h:max_h, min_w:max_w, min_d:max_d]

        return patch

__call__(img, center, global_coordinates=False)

Crop a patch from the input image centered around the seed coordinate.


Name Type Description Default
img NdarrayOrTensor

Image to crop, with dimensions (C, H, W, D). C is the number of channels.

center tuple

Seed coordinate around which to crop the patch (X, Y, Z).

global_coordinates bool

If True, seed coordinate is in global space; otherwise, local space.



Name Type Description
NdarrayOrTensor NdarrayOrTensor

Cropped patch of shape (C, Ph, Pw, Pd), where (Ph, Pw, Pd) is the patch size.

Source code in fmcib/preprocessing/
def __call__(self, img: NdarrayOrTensor, center: tuple, global_coordinates=False) -> NdarrayOrTensor:
    Crop a patch from the input image centered around the seed coordinate.

        img (NdarrayOrTensor): Image to crop, with dimensions (C, H, W, D). C is the number of channels.
        center (tuple): Seed coordinate around which to crop the patch (X, Y, Z).
        global_coordinates (bool): If True, seed coordinate is in global space; otherwise, local space.

        NdarrayOrTensor: Cropped patch of shape (C, Ph, Pw, Pd), where (Ph, Pw, Pd) is the patch size.
    assert len(img.shape) == 4, "Input image must have dimensions: (C, H, W, D)"
    C, H, W, D = img.shape
    Ph, Pw, Pd = self.roi_size

    # If global coordinates, convert to local coordinates
    if global_coordinates:
        center = np.linalg.inv(np.array(img.affine)) @ np.array(center + (1,))
        center = [int(x) for x in center[:3]]

    # Calculate and clamp the ranges for cropping
    min_h, max_h = max(center[0] - Ph // 2, 0), min(center[0] + Ph // 2, H)
    min_w, max_w = max(center[1] - Pw // 2, 0), min(center[1] + Pw // 2, W)
    min_d, max_d = max(center[2] - Pd // 2, 0), min(center[2] + Pd // 2, D)

    # Check if coordinates are valid
    assert min_h < max_h, "Invalid coordinates: min_h >= max_h"
    assert min_w < max_w, "Invalid coordinates: min_w >= max_w"
    assert min_d < max_d, "Invalid coordinates: min_d >= max_d"

    # Crop the patch from the image
    patch = img[:, min_h:max_h, min_w:max_w, min_d:max_d]

    return patch


Initialize SeedBasedPatchCrop class.


Name Type Description Default
roi_size tuple

Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).

Source code in fmcib/preprocessing/
def __init__(self, roi_size) -> None:
    Initialize SeedBasedPatchCrop class.

        roi_size (tuple): Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).
    self.roi_size = roi_size


Bases: MapTransform

A class representing a seed-based patch crop transformation.

Inherits from MapTransform.


Name Type Description
keys list

List of keys for images in the input data dictionary.

roi_size tuple

Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).

allow_missing_keys bool

If True, do not raise an error if some keys in the input data dictionary are missing.

coord_orientation str

Coordinate system (RAS or LPS) of input coordinates.

global_coordinates bool

If True, coordinates are in global coordinates; otherwise, local coordinates.

Source code in fmcib/preprocessing/
class SeedBasedPatchCropd(MapTransform):
    A class representing a seed-based patch crop transformation.

    Inherits from MapTransform.

        keys (list): List of keys for images in the input data dictionary.
        roi_size (tuple): Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).
        allow_missing_keys (bool): If True, do not raise an error if some keys in the input data dictionary are missing.
        coord_orientation (str): Coordinate system (RAS or LPS) of input coordinates.
        global_coordinates (bool): If True, coordinates are in global coordinates; otherwise, local coordinates.

    def __init__(self, keys, roi_size, allow_missing_keys=False, coord_orientation="RAS", global_coordinates=True) -> None:
        Initialize SeedBasedPatchCropd class.

            keys (List): List of keys for images in the input data dictionary.
            roi_size (Tuple): Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).
            allow_missing_keys (bool): If True, do not raise an error if some keys in the input data dictionary are missing.
            coord_orientation (str): Coordinate system (RAS or LPS) of input coordinates.
            global_coordinates (bool): If True, coordinates are in global coordinates; otherwise, local coordinates.
        super().__init__(keys=keys, allow_missing_keys=allow_missing_keys)
        self.coord_orientation = coord_orientation
        self.global_coordinates = global_coordinates
        self.cropper = SeedBasedPatchCrop(roi_size=roi_size)

    def __call__(self, data: Mapping[Hashable, NdarrayOrTensor]) -> Dict[Hashable, NdarrayOrTensor]:
        Apply transformation to given data.

            data (dict): Dictionary with image keys and required center coordinates.

            dict: Dictionary with cropped patches for each key in the input data dictionary.
        d = dict(data)

        assert "coordX" in d.keys(), "coordX not found in data"
        assert "coordY" in d.keys(), "coordY not found in data"
        assert "coordZ" in d.keys(), "coordZ not found in data"

        # Convert coordinates to RAS orientation to match image orientation
        if self.coord_orientation == "RAS":
            center = (d["coordX"], d["coordY"], d["coordZ"])
        elif self.coord_orientation == "LPS":
            center = (-d["coordX"], -d["coordY"], d["coordZ"])

        for key in self.key_iterator(d):
            d[key] = self.cropper(d[key], center=center, global_coordinates=self.global_coordinates)
        return d


Apply transformation to given data.


Name Type Description Default
data dict

Dictionary with image keys and required center coordinates.



Name Type Description
dict Dict[Hashable, NdarrayOrTensor]

Dictionary with cropped patches for each key in the input data dictionary.

Source code in fmcib/preprocessing/
def __call__(self, data: Mapping[Hashable, NdarrayOrTensor]) -> Dict[Hashable, NdarrayOrTensor]:
    Apply transformation to given data.

        data (dict): Dictionary with image keys and required center coordinates.

        dict: Dictionary with cropped patches for each key in the input data dictionary.
    d = dict(data)

    assert "coordX" in d.keys(), "coordX not found in data"
    assert "coordY" in d.keys(), "coordY not found in data"
    assert "coordZ" in d.keys(), "coordZ not found in data"

    # Convert coordinates to RAS orientation to match image orientation
    if self.coord_orientation == "RAS":
        center = (d["coordX"], d["coordY"], d["coordZ"])
    elif self.coord_orientation == "LPS":
        center = (-d["coordX"], -d["coordY"], d["coordZ"])

    for key in self.key_iterator(d):
        d[key] = self.cropper(d[key], center=center, global_coordinates=self.global_coordinates)
    return d

__init__(keys, roi_size, allow_missing_keys=False, coord_orientation='RAS', global_coordinates=True)

Initialize SeedBasedPatchCropd class.


Name Type Description Default
keys List

List of keys for images in the input data dictionary.

roi_size Tuple

Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).

allow_missing_keys bool

If True, do not raise an error if some keys in the input data dictionary are missing.

coord_orientation str

Coordinate system (RAS or LPS) of input coordinates.

global_coordinates bool

If True, coordinates are in global coordinates; otherwise, local coordinates.

Source code in fmcib/preprocessing/
def __init__(self, keys, roi_size, allow_missing_keys=False, coord_orientation="RAS", global_coordinates=True) -> None:
    Initialize SeedBasedPatchCropd class.

        keys (List): List of keys for images in the input data dictionary.
        roi_size (Tuple): Tuple indicating the size of the region of interest (ROI).
        allow_missing_keys (bool): If True, do not raise an error if some keys in the input data dictionary are missing.
        coord_orientation (str): Coordinate system (RAS or LPS) of input coordinates.
        global_coordinates (bool): If True, coordinates are in global coordinates; otherwise, local coordinates.
    super().__init__(keys=keys, allow_missing_keys=allow_missing_keys)
    self.coord_orientation = coord_orientation
    self.global_coordinates = global_coordinates
    self.cropper = SeedBasedPatchCrop(roi_size=roi_size)