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Bases: Module

The criterion corresponding to the SimCLR loss as defined in the paper


Name Type Description Default
temperature float

The temperature to be applied on the logits.

buffer_params dict

A dictionary containing the following keys: - world_size (int): Total number of trainers in training. - embedding_dim (int): Output dimensions of the features projects. - effective_batch_size (int): Total batch size used (includes positives).

Source code in fmcib/ssl/losses/
class NegativeMiningInfoNCECriterion(nn.Module):
    The criterion corresponding to the SimCLR loss as defined in the paper

        temperature (float): The temperature to be applied on the logits.
        buffer_params (dict): A dictionary containing the following keys:
            - world_size (int): Total number of trainers in training.
            - embedding_dim (int): Output dimensions of the features projects.
            - effective_batch_size (int): Total batch size used (includes positives).

    def __init__(
        self, embedding_dim, batch_size, world_size, gather_distributed=False, temperature: float = 0.1, balanced: bool = True
        Initialize the NegativeMiningInfoNCECriterion class.

            embedding_dim (int): The dimension of the embedding space.
            batch_size (int): The size of the input batch.
            world_size (int): The number of distributed processes.
            gather_distributed (bool): Whether to gather distributed data.
            temperature (float): The temperature used in the computation.
            balanced (bool): Whether to use balanced sampling.

            embedding_dim (int): The dimension of the embedding space.
            use_gpu (bool): Whether to use GPU for computations.
            temperature (float): The temperature used in the computation.
            num_pos (int): The number of positive samples.
            num_neg (int): The number of negative samples.
            criterion (nn.CrossEntropyLoss): The loss function.
            gather_distributed (bool): Whether to gather distributed data.
            world_size (int): The number of distributed processes.
            effective_batch_size (int): The effective batch size, taking into account world size and number of positive samples.
            pos_mask (None or Tensor): Mask for positive samples.
            neg_mask (None or Tensor): Mask for negative samples.
            balanced (bool): Whether to use balanced sampling.
            setup (bool): Whether the setup has been done.
        super(NegativeMiningInfoNCECriterion, self).__init__()
        self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
        self.use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available()
        self.temperature = temperature
        self.num_pos = 2

        # Same number of negatives as positives are loaded
        self.num_neg = self.num_pos
        self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
        self.gather_distributed = gather_distributed
        self.world_size = world_size
        self.effective_batch_size = batch_size * self.world_size * self.num_pos
        self.pos_mask = None
        self.neg_mask = None
        self.balanced = balanced
        self.setup = False

    def precompute_pos_neg_mask(self):
        Precompute the positive and negative masks to speed up the loss calculation.
        # computed once at the begining of training

        # total_images is x2 SimCLR Info-NCE loss
        # as we have negative samples for each positive sample

        total_images = self.effective_batch_size * self.num_neg
        world_size = self.world_size

        # Batch size computation is different from SimCLR paper
        batch_size = self.effective_batch_size // world_size
        orig_images = batch_size // self.num_pos
        rank = dist.rank()

        pos_mask = torch.zeros(batch_size * self.num_neg, total_images)
        neg_mask = torch.zeros(batch_size * self.num_neg, total_images)

        all_indices = np.arange(total_images)

        # Index for pairs of images (original + copy)
        pairs = orig_images * np.arange(self.num_pos)

        # Remove all indices associated with positive samples & copies (for neg_mask)
        all_pos_members = []
        for _rank in range(world_size):
            all_pos_members += list(_rank * (batch_size * 2) + np.arange(batch_size))

        all_indices_pos_removed = np.delete(all_indices, all_pos_members)

        # Index of original positive images
        orig_members = torch.arange(orig_images)

        for anchor in np.arange(self.num_pos):
            for img_idx in range(orig_images):
                # delete_inds are spaced by batch_size for each rank as
                # all_indices_pos_removed (half of the indices) is deleted first
                delete_inds = batch_size * rank + img_idx + pairs
                neg_inds = torch.tensor(np.delete(all_indices_pos_removed, delete_inds)).long()
                neg_mask[anchor * orig_images + img_idx, neg_inds] = 1

            for pos in np.delete(np.arange(self.num_pos), anchor):
                # Pos_inds are spaced by batch_size * self.num_neg for each rank
                pos_inds = (batch_size * self.num_neg) * rank + pos * orig_images + orig_members
                    torch.arange(anchor * orig_images, (anchor + 1) * orig_images).long(),
                ] = 1

        self.pos_mask = pos_mask.cuda(non_blocking=True) if self.use_gpu else pos_mask
        self.neg_mask = neg_mask.cuda(non_blocking=True) if self.use_gpu else neg_mask

    def forward(self, out: torch.Tensor):
        Calculate the loss. Operates on embeddings tensor.
        if not self.setup:
  "Running Negative Mining Info-NCE loss on Rank: {dist.rank()}")
            self.setup = True

        pos0, pos1 = out["positive"]
        neg0, neg1 = out["negative"]
        embedding =[pos0, pos1, neg0, neg1], dim=0)
        embedding = nn.functional.normalize(embedding, dim=1, p=2)
        assert embedding.ndim == 2
        assert embedding.shape[1] == int(self.embedding_dim)

        batch_size = embedding.shape[0]
        T = self.temperature
        num_pos = self.num_pos

        assert batch_size % num_pos == 0, "Batch size should be divisible by num_pos"
        assert batch_size == self.pos_mask.shape[0], "Batch size should be equal to pos_mask shape"

        # Step 1: gather all the embeddings. Shape example: 4096 x 128
        embeddings_buffer = self.gather_embeddings(embedding)

        # Step 2: matrix multiply: 64 x 128 with 4096 x 128 = 64 x 4096 and
        # divide by temperature.
        similarity = torch.exp(, embeddings_buffer.t()) / T)

        pos = torch.sum(similarity * self.pos_mask, 1)
        neg = torch.sum(similarity * self.neg_mask, 1)

        # Ignore the negative samples as entries for loss calculation
        pos = pos[: (batch_size // 2)]
        neg = neg[: (batch_size // 2)]

        loss = -(torch.mean(torch.log(pos / (pos + neg))))
        return loss

    def __repr__(self):
        Return a string representation of the object.

            str: A formatted string representation of the object.

            The following example shows the string representation of the object:

              'name': <object_name>,
              'temperature': <temperature_value>,
              'num_negatives': <num_negatives_value>,
              'num_pos': <num_pos_value>,
              'dist_rank': <dist_rank_value>

            This function is intended to be used with the pprint module for pretty printing.
        num_negatives = self.effective_batch_size - 2
        T = self.temperature
        num_pos = self.num_pos
        repr_dict = {
            "name": self._get_name(),
            "temperature": T,
            "num_negatives": num_negatives,
            "num_pos": num_pos,
            "dist_rank": dist.rank(),
        return pprint.pformat(repr_dict, indent=2)

    def gather_embeddings(self, embedding: torch.Tensor):
        Do a gather over all embeddings, so we can compute the loss.
        Final shape is like: (batch_size * num_gpus) x embedding_dim
        if self.gather_distributed:
            embedding_gathered =, 0)
            embedding_gathered = embedding
        return embedding_gathered

__init__(embedding_dim, batch_size, world_size, gather_distributed=False, temperature=0.1, balanced=True)

Initialize the NegativeMiningInfoNCECriterion class.


Name Type Description Default
embedding_dim int

The dimension of the embedding space.

batch_size int

The size of the input batch.

world_size int

The number of distributed processes.

gather_distributed bool

Whether to gather distributed data.

temperature float

The temperature used in the computation.

balanced bool

Whether to use balanced sampling.



Name Type Description
embedding_dim int

The dimension of the embedding space.

use_gpu bool

Whether to use GPU for computations.

temperature float

The temperature used in the computation.

num_pos int

The number of positive samples.

num_neg int

The number of negative samples.

criterion CrossEntropyLoss

The loss function.

gather_distributed bool

Whether to gather distributed data.

world_size int

The number of distributed processes.

effective_batch_size int

The effective batch size, taking into account world size and number of positive samples.

pos_mask None or Tensor

Mask for positive samples.

neg_mask None or Tensor

Mask for negative samples.

balanced bool

Whether to use balanced sampling.

setup bool

Whether the setup has been done.

Source code in fmcib/ssl/losses/
def __init__(
    self, embedding_dim, batch_size, world_size, gather_distributed=False, temperature: float = 0.1, balanced: bool = True
    Initialize the NegativeMiningInfoNCECriterion class.

        embedding_dim (int): The dimension of the embedding space.
        batch_size (int): The size of the input batch.
        world_size (int): The number of distributed processes.
        gather_distributed (bool): Whether to gather distributed data.
        temperature (float): The temperature used in the computation.
        balanced (bool): Whether to use balanced sampling.

        embedding_dim (int): The dimension of the embedding space.
        use_gpu (bool): Whether to use GPU for computations.
        temperature (float): The temperature used in the computation.
        num_pos (int): The number of positive samples.
        num_neg (int): The number of negative samples.
        criterion (nn.CrossEntropyLoss): The loss function.
        gather_distributed (bool): Whether to gather distributed data.
        world_size (int): The number of distributed processes.
        effective_batch_size (int): The effective batch size, taking into account world size and number of positive samples.
        pos_mask (None or Tensor): Mask for positive samples.
        neg_mask (None or Tensor): Mask for negative samples.
        balanced (bool): Whether to use balanced sampling.
        setup (bool): Whether the setup has been done.
    super(NegativeMiningInfoNCECriterion, self).__init__()
    self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
    self.use_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available()
    self.temperature = temperature
    self.num_pos = 2

    # Same number of negatives as positives are loaded
    self.num_neg = self.num_pos
    self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    self.gather_distributed = gather_distributed
    self.world_size = world_size
    self.effective_batch_size = batch_size * self.world_size * self.num_pos
    self.pos_mask = None
    self.neg_mask = None
    self.balanced = balanced
    self.setup = False


Return a string representation of the object.


Name Type Description

A formatted string representation of the object.


The following example shows the string representation of the object:

{ 'name': , 'temperature': , 'num_negatives': , 'num_pos': , 'dist_rank': }


This function is intended to be used with the pprint module for pretty printing.

Source code in fmcib/ssl/losses/
def __repr__(self):
    Return a string representation of the object.

        str: A formatted string representation of the object.

        The following example shows the string representation of the object:

          'name': <object_name>,
          'temperature': <temperature_value>,
          'num_negatives': <num_negatives_value>,
          'num_pos': <num_pos_value>,
          'dist_rank': <dist_rank_value>

        This function is intended to be used with the pprint module for pretty printing.
    num_negatives = self.effective_batch_size - 2
    T = self.temperature
    num_pos = self.num_pos
    repr_dict = {
        "name": self._get_name(),
        "temperature": T,
        "num_negatives": num_negatives,
        "num_pos": num_pos,
        "dist_rank": dist.rank(),
    return pprint.pformat(repr_dict, indent=2)


Calculate the loss. Operates on embeddings tensor.

Source code in fmcib/ssl/losses/
def forward(self, out: torch.Tensor):
    Calculate the loss. Operates on embeddings tensor.
    if not self.setup:"Running Negative Mining Info-NCE loss on Rank: {dist.rank()}")
        self.setup = True

    pos0, pos1 = out["positive"]
    neg0, neg1 = out["negative"]
    embedding =[pos0, pos1, neg0, neg1], dim=0)
    embedding = nn.functional.normalize(embedding, dim=1, p=2)
    assert embedding.ndim == 2
    assert embedding.shape[1] == int(self.embedding_dim)

    batch_size = embedding.shape[0]
    T = self.temperature
    num_pos = self.num_pos

    assert batch_size % num_pos == 0, "Batch size should be divisible by num_pos"
    assert batch_size == self.pos_mask.shape[0], "Batch size should be equal to pos_mask shape"

    # Step 1: gather all the embeddings. Shape example: 4096 x 128
    embeddings_buffer = self.gather_embeddings(embedding)

    # Step 2: matrix multiply: 64 x 128 with 4096 x 128 = 64 x 4096 and
    # divide by temperature.
    similarity = torch.exp(, embeddings_buffer.t()) / T)

    pos = torch.sum(similarity * self.pos_mask, 1)
    neg = torch.sum(similarity * self.neg_mask, 1)

    # Ignore the negative samples as entries for loss calculation
    pos = pos[: (batch_size // 2)]
    neg = neg[: (batch_size // 2)]

    loss = -(torch.mean(torch.log(pos / (pos + neg))))
    return loss


Do a gather over all embeddings, so we can compute the loss. Final shape is like: (batch_size * num_gpus) x embedding_dim

Source code in fmcib/ssl/losses/
def gather_embeddings(self, embedding: torch.Tensor):
    Do a gather over all embeddings, so we can compute the loss.
    Final shape is like: (batch_size * num_gpus) x embedding_dim
    if self.gather_distributed:
        embedding_gathered =, 0)
        embedding_gathered = embedding
    return embedding_gathered


Precompute the positive and negative masks to speed up the loss calculation.

Source code in fmcib/ssl/losses/
def precompute_pos_neg_mask(self):
    Precompute the positive and negative masks to speed up the loss calculation.
    # computed once at the begining of training

    # total_images is x2 SimCLR Info-NCE loss
    # as we have negative samples for each positive sample

    total_images = self.effective_batch_size * self.num_neg
    world_size = self.world_size

    # Batch size computation is different from SimCLR paper
    batch_size = self.effective_batch_size // world_size
    orig_images = batch_size // self.num_pos
    rank = dist.rank()

    pos_mask = torch.zeros(batch_size * self.num_neg, total_images)
    neg_mask = torch.zeros(batch_size * self.num_neg, total_images)

    all_indices = np.arange(total_images)

    # Index for pairs of images (original + copy)
    pairs = orig_images * np.arange(self.num_pos)

    # Remove all indices associated with positive samples & copies (for neg_mask)
    all_pos_members = []
    for _rank in range(world_size):
        all_pos_members += list(_rank * (batch_size * 2) + np.arange(batch_size))

    all_indices_pos_removed = np.delete(all_indices, all_pos_members)

    # Index of original positive images
    orig_members = torch.arange(orig_images)

    for anchor in np.arange(self.num_pos):
        for img_idx in range(orig_images):
            # delete_inds are spaced by batch_size for each rank as
            # all_indices_pos_removed (half of the indices) is deleted first
            delete_inds = batch_size * rank + img_idx + pairs
            neg_inds = torch.tensor(np.delete(all_indices_pos_removed, delete_inds)).long()
            neg_mask[anchor * orig_images + img_idx, neg_inds] = 1

        for pos in np.delete(np.arange(self.num_pos), anchor):
            # Pos_inds are spaced by batch_size * self.num_neg for each rank
            pos_inds = (batch_size * self.num_neg) * rank + pos * orig_images + orig_members
                torch.arange(anchor * orig_images, (anchor + 1) * orig_images).long(),
            ] = 1

    self.pos_mask = pos_mask.cuda(non_blocking=True) if self.use_gpu else pos_mask
    self.neg_mask = neg_mask.cuda(non_blocking=True) if self.use_gpu else neg_mask